Miss You Wishes For Girlfriend

I miss you more than anything in this world. I never knew that distance could make me feel this lonely and helpless. I thought being away from you could bring me peace. Instead, it made me realize how vital your presence is in my life.

I can’t help but feel incomplete without you. I am constantly counting the minutes, the hours, and the days until I can finally be with you. Until then, I will keep on missing you my love.

My heart aches for your presence. The sound of your laughter, the warmth of your soul, and the gentleness of your touch; I long for all of these. I am incomplete without you my love.

I don’t know how I can handle these days without you. I am constantly praying for us to be reunited soon. Until then, I will keep on dreaming of us together.

With every beat of my heart, I whisper your name. I think of all the happy memories that we have shared, and my longing for you continues. I miss you sweetheart.

No matter how far apart we are, I know that my heart will never forget the warmth of your embrace. The emptiness I feel without you is immense. I miss you my love.

My life feels meaningless without you. You are my shelter, my refuge, and my home. Nothing can ever replace the feeling of being in your embrace. I miss you dearly.

Every night, I dream of us being together. I know that until we are reunited, we must get through this separation. With every passing day, my longing for you gets stronger and stronger. I miss you my love.

Your presence is like a ray of sunshine in my life. I am in constant need of your love and support. I never knew such intense love can fill my life. I miss you.

There is no one in this world who can take your place. I hope and pray that the day when our paths cross together will come soon. I can’t take this loneliness without you for much longer. I miss you my love.

I miss you so much my love, every day that passes without you here feels like an eternity. The sound of your voice, the warmth of your embrace, the soft touch of your lips...all missing from my life without you. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again and fill my life with joy and love.

My sweetheart, I feel like I can't live or breathe properly without you here with me. Not a moment passes without me thinking of you and wishing you were here. I could never express how much I need you in my life to make it whole - I simply miss you too much for words!

My dearest love, when are you coming back? I can't stand being apart from you any longer! Every morning I wake up to the painful realization that you are not here with me and it tears me apart from the inside out. I miss you dearly and cannot wait to see you again!

My heart aches with longing for you my dear, every single second that I am away from your presence. When I close my eyes I see your face and I feel an emptiness in my soul that only your love can fill. Please come back soon and take away my pain!

I sit here waiting for you, in anticipation of the day when I will get to see you again. Until then, I send you this message of love so that you know how much I miss you and how much I need you. I miss you so much, my one and only.

Every day without you feels like a lonely, never-ending journey. I miss you so much my love, can't you come back soon? I need you in my life and no one can take your place. You are the only one for me, so please come home soon!

It has been far too long since I have felt your arms around me and looked into your beautiful eyes. Please come back soon and fill my heart with joy. I miss you so much more than words can express and I can't wait to be reunited with you.

I would give anything to be with you right now. I long to feel your touch and to hear your voice. I am lost in your love and its absence leaves me empty. Please come back to me soon, my love, I miss you!

Not a day goes by when I don't think of you or miss you terribly. I am waiting for you to come back so that our days of being apart can be over forever. Thinking of you always, my sweet dearest, and wishing you could be here with me now.

My life feels meaningless without you here to share it with me. I miss your sweet smile and your wonderful laughter. I miss you beyond description, my one and only. Come back soon, baby, and shower me with your love!

I miss you so much, my sweetheart. The emptiness I feel when I'm not in your arms and can’t kiss your lips is unbearable. Nothing in this world compares to how I feel when I'm with you. Life without you by my side isn’t life at all, and I need your beauty and love to make sense of everything else.I know you are not here right now but my heart keeps calling you, screaming for your presence. How I wish I could be with you and fill the void I have within. You are the one I need in my life and I cannot express how deeply I miss you and I cannot wait to see you again.

Since the day you left, a void has been left in my life. I can’t express in words how much I am missing you. Nothing in this world can bring me relief from this emptiness inside me. Even though distance keeps us apart, you are always on my mind and I think about you all the time. I just wanted to let you know that I am waiting here to welcome you with an embrace when you decide to come back and fill my life with your presence again. Until then, all I can do is feel a deep longing for you.

I miss you so much, my love. Nothing seems right without you by my side. It is like I have an irreplaceable part of me missing and all I want right now is for you to be here with me. I cannot stand the loneliness I feel without you and I wish that I could teleport to you just to see your face and tell you how much I really care for you. I am counting the days until we are together again and I cannot wait to be in your arms again.

It isn’t easy to go through our lives without you in it. Even though I’m smiling and trying to be strong, deep inside, I am still struggling and longing for you every hour of the day. The longing I have for you is so real and so powerful that even the idea of not seeing you again makes me shudder. All I can do until then is think of you, imagining your sweet face and those irresistibly gorgeous eyes of yours.

My heart aches for you and I cannot express how painful the emptiness I feel is. I know that nothing I can do right now can fill this void, but your presence is the only cure that can bring me relief. Nothing else matters and I will keep waiting for you until we meet, so that I can feel the warmth of your embrace once again. I need you, my love, and all I know is my heart is longing for you.

No words can explain how much I miss you right now and nothing can describe what it feels to be away from you like this. I just want to wrap you in my arms and never let you go until you wipe away all of my tears and make me feel safe again. Until then, all I can do is pine away for your presence and love. I miss you, my love.

I just wanted to let you know how much I’m missing you today. The void inside me feels greater than ever and all I want right now is for you to appear in front of me and show me your sweet smile. I need you in my life and without you everything feels meaningless. You are the one I choose over everyone else and I just want you here with me and keep me warm.

Your absence is like snow on a hot summer day— totally out of place and it just makes me feel isolated and distant from everything else. Without you, I feel like I’m all alone and it just makes all of this emptiness inside me to be more apparent. I miss your touch, I miss your warmth and I just want you here with me and feeling you in my embrace again.

I love you more than words could ever express and being apart from you is just making my heart to break into pieces. Nothing could describe how much I miss you right now and all I can do is count the stars and wait for that day when I can see you and tell you how really deep my love for you is. Hold on, my love, I'm missing you more today than yesterday and the day before that.

Hey my love, you know I'm missing you like crazy and the longing and emptiness I feel when you're not around is overwhelming. All I want right now is to be able to kiss your lips, be wrapped in your arms, and look into your beautiful eyes and tell you how much I love you, how much I miss you, and that I would wait for you until infinity if I had to. Until then, know that I'm here thinking about you and missing your presence.

It feels like the world has stopped spinning without you. I miss you so much sweetheart!

I had no idea how hard it would be to be apart from you. I miss you so much!

I know I haven't told you this often, but I miss you more than you can ever imagine.

Our distance may separate us physically, but you remain in my heart, always. I miss you so much.

Distance sometimes makes us forget how much we value someone. I don't want that to happen – I miss you!

Our conversations keep me alive, I just wish I could hear your voice more often. I miss you so much!

Whenever I'm feeling down I remember all the fun times I had with you, and it brings a smile to my face. I miss you!

I want to be in your arms, kissing your sweet lips and experiencing the warmth of your embrace. I miss you so much!

My life is so much better when you're in it; I miss your presence so much.

I'm so empty and lonely without you – I feel like I'm only half alive. I miss you so much sweetheart!