Job Wishes He Was Never Born

I wish he was never born, so my plans wouldn't be thrown into disarray by his careless mistakes.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to feel guilty about laying out the consequences of his actions.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to experience the horror of seeing someone else make a mess of my hard work.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to clean up after his messes and fix his mistakes.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to bring a strain on other team members to compensate for his lack of productivity.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to spend time guiding him through tasks that he should already know how to do.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to listen to his excuses for why things aren't getting done on time.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to tolerate his poor work ethics and attitude.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to invest my energy in training someone who just isn't capable.

I wish he was never born, so I wouldn't have to experience the stress of knowing that his mistakes are going to cost me more time, money and energy.

That he never had to struggle to find meaningful employment and a career path with stability and growth potential.

That he would have never been punished for desperately trying to get a job and instead would have been offered resources to help him find suitable work.

That he would have never been unemployed and instead would have been able to find a job that aligned with his skills and passions.

That he would have never experienced the stress of worrying about his finances while out of work.

That he could have been offered a job with reasonable pay and good benefits.

That he could have been given a chance to learn and grow in a job he was genuinely passionate about and enjoyed doing.

That he would have never had to work for a low salary or in an unfulfilling job.

That he would have never received criticism or unfair judgments for the work he did.

That he would have never felt the burden and shame of unemployment.

That he would have never faced the dangers and exploitation of unemployment in the workplace.

I wish I was never born, as I would have never had to experience the pain and tragedy of my life's struggles. From health issues to financial constraints, I've had to fight an uphill battle my entire life — if only I was never born, I could have been spared from this trauma and turmoil. I would have avoided all of the agony and suffering that so many other people have endured when life threw the unexpected at them.

I wish I never was born, as I would not have had to grow up in a home marred with chaos and turmoil. There were days when it seemed like the yelling and the stress would never end, and if only I had never come to be, my family could have been spared from the pain and hurt that it caused us all.

I wish I never see the light of day, as I could have never been burdened with the idea that I never deserved anything I ever got — that I had to work twice as hard, just to get half the recognition — that I would never be good enough no matter how hard I tried. It seemed easier to give up and walk away from my dreams, rather than having them constantly broken because of my social class and background.

I wish I never had to experience the pain of losing people I love — from friends and family to colleagues. It seemed like one thing after another and the waves of grief seemed to just keep crashing down on me, and if only I had never been born, I could have spared myself, and them, from this delicate and arduous journey.

I wish I never had to experience the soul-crushing sadness and sorrow of loneliness — of never truly fitting in, of never feeling like I belonged, of never knowing truly what it was like to connect with somebody. If only I was never born, I wouldn't have had to feel this agonizing and unbearable sense of isolation.

I wish I had never been born, as I could have avoided the suffering of wondering whether or not I was making the right decisions in life. The anxiety of being wrong overwhelmed me, and if I was never born, I don't think I would have ever had to experience those feelings.

I wish I wasn't in this world, as I could have never been faced with the mission of finding my purpose in life. The idea that I had to 'find' it stressed and overwhelmed me, and the pressure of it all felt like too much to handle. If only I was never born, I could have been spared from this endless search of soul searching.

I wish I never was created, as I could have never been met with the fear and the anxiety of failing. As I pursued my dreams, I was always worried that I might not be successful, and if I was never born, I could have avoided this constant fear and worry that stands in the way of my progress and success.

I wish I never had to experience the heartache and pain that comes with loving and being loved. I cannot count the number of times I've been hurt in the name of love — the pain seeped into the deep parts of my soul and if I was never created, I would have never had to suffer this loneliness caused by the inability to truly love without being broken completely.

I wish I had never been born, so I could have been spared from the constant worry and stress of not living up to expectations. It crushes me inside to know that I'm not living up to what was expected of me — that my every breath and my every attempt to try my hardest will never measure up to what my parents and my society think is 'good enough'. If only I was never born, I wouldn't have had to experience this.

May he never have had the chance to bring sadness to anyone's life.

May he never have had the chance to trouble or destroy the lives of others.

May he never have had the chance to create hateful words or rhetoric.

May he never have had the chance to spread lies and gossip.

May he never have had the chance to make life more difficult for people who are already struggling.

May he never have had the chance to impact the future of young generations in a negative way.

May he never have had the chance to deceive or manipulate anyone.

May he never have had the chance to bully or harass anyone.

May he never have had the chance to cause anyone grief or sorrow.

May he never have had the chance to break anyone's hearts.