What Every Autistic Girl Wishes

To have a friend who truly understands them.

To be accepted for who they are.

To be provided with the tools and support necessary to complete their dreams.

To have someone in their life who doesn't judge them for their challenges.

To be respected by those around them.

To be accepted and valued in their community.

To have an understanding of how they think without being judged or judged excessively.

To be able to express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.

To have a place where they feel safe and accepted.

To be seen as an individual and not as a diagnosis.

To be understood and accepted for who she is

To have a safe, judgment-free space where she can be herself without fear of ridicule

To be included and accepted in her environment without feeling isolated or excluded

To have supportive friends and family that will not judge her or judge her differently

To find a career that will allow her to use her unique strengths and abilities to their fullest potential

To have access to the resources needed to learn, grow, and succeed

To find comfort in her own unique identity and be proud of her differences

To be given the opportunity to experience the joys of life without constant fear or anxiety

To receive proper treatment and support for any mental health issues she may face

To be seen and accepted for her own unique set of gifts and talents