Girl Wishes She Were Black

I wish I was born with the same skin color as the African American people. I want to experience their struggles, triumphs, and unique culture first-hand.

I want to be able to understand the struggles and discrimination faced by African Americans and show my support through my own physical appearance.

I dream to be accepted more by my peers of color and be part of their already established communities.

I desire to have the self-confidence to wear my natural hair the way other African Americans do without feeling judged or out of place.

I long for the opportunity to express myself culturally and have a deep appreciation for creative art forms like music, literature, and dance that were born from the African American culture.

I want to be able to walk into a store and having my skin color be reflected in the marketing of products.

I wish to be empowered to celebrate my skin color and fight for the respect and inclusion of African Americans in all aspects of life.

I yearn to have the ability to confidently stand up and speak out for myself and others without the fear of judgement and prejudice.

I hope to gain a greater sense of connection, solidarity and inclusivity within the African American community that is often excluded in today's society.

I crave the opportunity to support, learn from, and inspire African American movements, activists, and causes that strive for justice, freedom, and equality for everyone.

I wish I could drape myself the warm and inviting darkness of my melanin blessed African sisters and brothers as they stand proud, loving every inch of their being

I wish I could hear the stories of my African brothers' and sisters' ancestors, passed down through generations, and remember their struggles for survival and freedom.

I wish I could gain strength and a deeper understanding of life by looking into my people's own eyes, so that I too could feel empowered to cultivate MY African spirit

If I were black, I could be rooted to a purpose, experience the vibrancy of my culture and heritage, and unite with my black brothers and sisters from all over the world in prayer and love.

I wish I could broadcast a message of hope and empowerment to my black people in all corners of the world, uplifting our shared humanity and strength

To embraced the intricacies of African natural hairst possibly the most under appreciated assets of African women would be an honor if I were black

I wish I could give tribute to women of color like myself, who amidst darkness have learnt to enjoy their own beauty and selections to whom they can relate

I wish I could be blessed with resilience, seeking out joy amongst adversity and never succumbing to an oppressive environment despite heavy odds.

I wish I could walk in the richness of a black democracy, learning to recognize, embrace and build on the unique gifts and talents of people of color

If I were black I would have the opportunity to celebrate the power of community, resilience, and spirit of the African spirit and energy within me