Girl Wishes She Could Talk To Pony Shittiest Ugliest

I wish I could talk to a pony to ask for its advice on how to handle my anxieties

I wish I could tell a pony about my hopes and dreams and have it encourage me to work hard

I wish I could tell a pony all about my day so it could make me feel heard and understood

I wish I could ride with a pony in the park and just enjoy the time spent together

I wish I could learn from a pony how to be more gentle and patient with myself

I wish I could confide in a pony when I'm feeling overwhelmed and accept its love and comfort

I wish I could borrow a pony’s strength to handle whatever the day throws at me

I wish I could tell a pony my secrets and trust it to keep them safe

I wish I could laugh at silly pony antics to break the monotony of the day

I wish I could take an adventure with a pony to discover something new and exciting

I wish I could talk to you, pony shittiest ugliest, and tell you how much I admired your strength and courage despite your appearance.

I wish I could give you some sugar cubes and head scratches, and let you know that you are appreciated and loved.

I wish I could have a magical conversation with you, to get to know what's going on in your mind, and how you understand the world around you.

I wish I could be your companion on your journey, so I could understand your journey and learn to be more understanding of other's points of view.

I wish I could take a ride on your back, and in that moment, I could forget all of my worries and just enjoy the moment.

I wish I could run and play with you, like a little child with no worries and no cares.

I wish I could learn your secrets, understanding what motivates you and what you think about the world around you.

I wish I could take care of you, providing you with the food, water, and loving care you truly deserve.

I wish I could share my dreams and ambitions with you, so you could understand me better and support me through my journey.

I wish I could give you a hug, so you know that even though you may be the pony shittiest ugliest, to me, you are still special and wonderful.