Funny Get Well Wishes After Surgery

Wishing you a speedy recovery - may you be back on your feet soon!

Hope the nurses aren't worked too hard looking after you!

I heard you're not feeling so great - sending lots of good vibes your way!

Hang in there - you're almost through your recovery!

Hope your surgery went well and that you're ready to get back in the swing of things soon!

We're all rooting for you as you recover!

Don't worry, you'll be out of that hospital before you know it!

Sending you a gentle hug, a smile, and lots of strength!

Here's to a speedy recovery - thinking of you!

Take your time in recovery! You'll be back to your old self in no time.

Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery after your surgery! We can't wait to see you up and about again soon!

We hope that you get a break from all your stress now that you are recovering after your surgery.

We are sending positive healing vibes your way so that you can get back on your feet soon after your surgery.

Regain your strength quickly and be back to your old self after your surgery!

We wish you a very speedy recovery after your surgery and we can't wait to see you back to full health soon!

May you bounce back to your normal life and routine soon after your surgery!

Hope you are up and about soon after your surgery, so we can hang out together!

Be patient as your recovery journey progresses! Here's wishing you the best after your surgery!

Sending lots of love and warm wishes your way as you recover from your surgery!

Take good care of yourself as you recuperate and heal quickly after your surgery!

Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery! May the hospital staff take good care of you, and may you level up in health soon! Get well soon and enjoy the hospital bedrest! Sending lots of positive and healing energy your way...

We hope that every day brings you closer to a full recovery from your surgery! Get some rest, take things slowly and enjoy your days off post-surgery. May you feel better soon and take it easy in the coming weeks!

We're so glad your surgery was successful! May all the bad illness and soreness jump out the window and may the sun of good health and happiness shine brightly in your heart! Get well soon!

We all know that days off from work are usually spent recovering, but post-surgery days off are a special type of days off! May you find comfort in these peaceful moments and get fully recovered very soon!

We sure hope you're recovering from your surgery quickly! May the hospital staff provide top-notch support and may those stitches out of your body soon! Take this time to relax and restore your energy.

We all know that the road back to full health can be long, but today we send you all the wished-for energy to speed up your recovery from surgery! May your wounds heal up quickly and without complications, and may you get back to your usual life as soon as possible!

We hope this post-surgery time is nothing but pleasant for you! May the doctors and nurses keep you in good and safe hands, and may your strength find its way back to your body soon! Enjoy the healing time and the fruits of medical science!

We're sure you're taking good care of your body after your surgery! May you find the way back to full strength and vitality, and may your body heal itself quickly and painlessly. Sending lots of healing energy your way!

Take it easy during your post-surgery healing time, restfully enjoy the days off and be assured of improving at each moment! May you recover quickly, feel better each day and go back to your usual life soon! Wishing you a sensation of ease and healing!

Your surgery was a success! May you feel better and better day by day, and may your mood be as bright as the morning sun. May you enjoy each day of recovery and be blessed with a fast and total recovery! Get well soon!

Sending you funny vibes for a speedy recovery! Cheer up and get ready to get back in action!

The surgery went well and we’ll work together to make you better and better every day. Get ready for the comeback!

Time to get relaxed and enjoy the rest you are getting. Get the best sleep of your life and soon you will be ready to dive back in!

Feel boring now? Not for long! Get wacky and wild soon enough, when all is healed and you're back up again.

There's no need to feel down during this recuperation. With me, you won't be having no fun. Just joking, get well soon!

Cheer up! Have yourself a good ol' time sitting around, watching your favorite movies, and soon enough you’ll be able to join us again!

We are all impatiently waiting for you to get better! Get your rest and you will be up and running again in no time!

This operation could be a serious one, but that doesn't mean you have to forget all the fun and laughter! Get better soon, buddy!

Surgery is no fun, we know! But soon there will be some more fun with you around when you are all healed up again!

Here's to a full recovery and a speedy return to your wild mischief! We miss you and can't wait to have you back!