Cousin Engagement Wishes

Congratulations on your exciting engagement, Cousin! Wishing you both an incredible, never ending journey of love and happiness.

Sending well wishes to you both on this amazing time of your engagement. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and joy!

A very special congratulations to both of you on your engagement! Wishing you a wonderful, loving journey ahead!

Congratulations on your stunning engagement! May your lives be filled with lots of love and laughter for the rest of your lives.

We are so excited for both of you! Wishing you a lifetime of love and joy as you embark on a new chapter of your lives!

Sending lots of love and well wishes to you both on this special occasion of your engagement! Wishing you many joyful and happy moments ahead!

Wishing you both a beautiful journey ahead as your hearts become one. Congratulations on your amazing engagement, Cousin!

Congratulations to a beautiful couple! Wishing you a future filled with lots of love, joy and fun!

Wishing you all the best on this amazing upcoming journey of true love and commitment. Have a blessed and joyous engagement!

A very special and heart-warming congratulations on your engagement! Wishing you a lifetime of love and smiles in the years ahead!

I always knew you two were meant for each other and I'm so excited to hear you've decided to take the plunge and get engaged! I wish you both the best of luck and many years of joy and lasting happiness together. Congratulations to the both of you!

My dearest cousins, congratulations on this wonderful news of your engagement! I am so happy for you and I know you are destined for a life of shared laughter and love. May your life be filled with joy and blessing beyond measure so that you can share the same for your children and the generations to come.

What wonderful news! My heart overflows with joy for you both on this special day. I hope you two are blessed with a lifetime of love and memories so that your engagement will be the start of a beautiful future together!

It's finally official! I am so thrilled to hear about your engagement. I know you two are both strong and devoted to your relationship and I wish you the best of luck and happiness as you embark on this beautiful journey together.

My two favorite people in the world are now engaged! I am so glad for you both and I congratulate you and am celebrating with you. I wish you a life of happiness and contentment as you embark on this new journey together.

Congratulations, my dearest cousins! I'm excited to see where your journey takes you and I'm thrilled you've decided to tie the knot. I wish you both joy and love in your new life together, and may your commitment to one another only deepen as time passes.

Cheers to the happy couple! I know your relationship is strong and I wish you both a lifetime of joy and satisfaction. Here's to a beautiful future together and many years of shared happiness!

So the day has finally come, the day you two finally decided to get engaged! I am so proud of both of you and your relationship and I wish you the best of luck as you prepare to begin your lives together. Congratulations and best wishes!

It brings tears of joy to my eyes to hear that two of the most important people in my life have decided to take the leap and get engaged. I know you two will make an amazing couple and I am so glad for you both. Wishing you all the best on this special day!

Words can hardly express my happiness at hearing that you two are now engaged! I know how hard you both have worked to make this happen and I am so proud of you. May your marriage be filled with joy and bliss that never dims!

Congratulations on your engagement, cousins! We knew it was only a matter of time before you finally took that plunge. We can't wait to celebrate your happy union!

We love seeing two of our favorite family members come together in such a special way. All the best in the next phase of your lives together!

To two of our favorite people, we extend our warmest congratulations for your newfound journey together. We can’t wait to join in on the celebrations!

We've been waiting to hear this news for years! May your lives together be full of love and joy. Congratulations on your engagement!

We are so excited to hear the news of your engagement! Congrats to the two of you and we wish you all the best on your special day!

We never doubted that this day would come! May your eventful and blessed journey together commence with joy and harmony. Wishing you all the best!

Cherish all the love and happiness coming your way! Congratulations to two wonderful people joining as one. We wish you both the best on your newest journey together!

Congratulations on taking a vow of love to stand as one! Wishing our beloved cousins a lifetime of laughter and joy as you begin your journey together!

As two amazing people start a journey of a lifetime together, we couldn’t be more excited! May your love blossom and rejoice for years to come!

Wishing you both all the best as you embark on this blessed journey together. Congratulations on your engagement!