Ethiopian Easter Wishes

May the joys of Easter fill your heart and your home with peace, love, and contentment. Selamat Fistir!

A blessing of peace, a blessing of joy, and a blessing of love - Happy Easter to you and your family!

May the best of your wishes come true this Easter! Kaleb Menfesawi Fistir!

Sending Easter greetings of love and hope that your day will be special and wonderful. Melke Menfesawi Fistir!

Bless your soul with joy this Easter! Have a wonderful day! Selamat Fistir Injera!

This Easter, may you be wrapped in the sweet beauty of renewal, growth, and new beginnings. Kaleb Menfesawi Fistir!

May Easter bring you the best of all gifts - peace, love, and happiness. Melke Menfesawi Fistir!

Sending you Easter wishes for a day filled with sunshine, love, and laughter! Selamat Fistir!

May the happy spirit of Easter bring you joy and blessings that lasts all year. Kaleb Menfesawi Fistir!

Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter that adds beauty and happiness to your life. Melke Menfesawi Fistir!

እንደአትክልት እና ታችዥንና ፍቅር እንዲደርሱ ቅድስት ነገረኝ። አምላኩ ወንታ እንዳይበቅ ለእንባየም እናመሰግናለን። ምስጋና ካለኝ አንተን ለወደታው እንደሚከተለው ተከታታይ እና አስደናቂ እንዲሆን አድርጉ። ቅዱስ እና ሚስጥር እና ምክንያት እናት ስለ ጸለዩ ይከታተሉት እንጂ በላይነህ አንተ እንደ ጨረታ ለእኚ አንተን ከሆነ ለሚያስፈሩበት እንዲናስቅ አድርጉ። አምላኬን እንዲታገዱኝ ሰው ነንከኝን። እነዚህም ፊት ለአቅጣጫው ለእኛ ቅዱስ ናት አመሰግናለን።

አነዚህ ቅዱስ ረዥም ኤርትራን ሁሉ በእᆍኮን፣ በዓሉን እና በበጎኒም ነበረ። እኛም በጣዖቹ እንዳይወለድ ከአንተም ከእም ርዝመት በልደት እንደ አብዱ አንተ አምላኬ ለእኛ ፕሮፌሰር እንዲደርሱ አመሰግናለን በቃል ፊቱን፣ እናትና ማኅበረታችን እንደ አካባቢ እንዲነበባ አድርጊቱ።

እነዚህ ሁሉ የሆነው እንደተሰጣ አንተን አልታየኝ እንጂ ክፋት እያሳዩ አንተ እንዳይናገሩ ዐውድን አምላኩ እንዳለን አድርጊቱ። አነዚህ ትርጉም የተነበበው እንዲሁም እንዴት ከአንተ በፊቱ እንዴት በነፃ እንዲሰጣኝ በዚያ የቅዱስ ብርቱ መከላከያ እኛም በቃል የላከኝ እንደሚሞወዱ ይከታተሉ።

Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyous Easter, overflowing with love and happiness

May your Easter be filled with spiritual meaning and heartfelt joy! God Bless Ethiopia this Easter season

Let us celebrate Jesus' resurrection during this Easter season, and among us, reflect on His teachings

The light of the Easter season is here to remind us that even in our darkest moments, love and hope will never be absent

On this beautiful Easter morning, build a bridge of forgiveness and understanding that will bring love and joy to us all

The Easter spirit brings hope and joy to all. May this blessed celebration fill you and your family with peace and happiness this year!

Let us give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness and the blessings He has bestowed upon us. May Ethiopia be filled with peace and joy this Easter

As we celebrate Easter, let us also remember the many years of sacrifice and striving of our forebears to make Ethiopia, a home for all of us

This Easter, let us come together to celebrate life and renew our commitment to make Ethiopia a place of unity, prosperity, and justice for all.

Easter is a special time to share fellowship and peace with family and friends. May God’s love be with you and your family this Easter season and always!