My Boyfriend Wishes I Was Asian

My boyfriend wishes I was Asian, so that he could explore the exotic culture with me and learn more about the fascinating history. He would love to take me out and try delicious Asian cuisine and attend traditional festivals. He dreams of us going on a vacation together to visit the mysterious cities of the continent. He would be fascinated to experience the customs, language and the people that make Asia the unique and beautiful place it is. He always admired the beautiful artworks of Asia and would love to share this admiration with me. He knows that if I was Asian, he would feel so proud to call me his girlfriend and show me off to his friends and family.

I wish my boyfriend could experience the culinary delights of Asian cuisine for himself - from the crunchy textures of tempura to the unique flavor of robatayaki to the sweetness of homemade mochi ice cream. He would love to explore and experience the differences and similarities between the habits and lifestyles of Asian countries, to try some of the traditional dishes and find out what kind of culture has been created from this unique geographical location. I also want him to explore all corners of Asian fashion - from classic kimono to modern streetwear. He could have fun finding the right accessories and learn more about the meaning behind the textiles. Finally, he would learn so much from the philosophies of Zen Buddhism, Confucianism and Shintoism and wouldn't be able to resist their wisdom, such as the idea of being present in the moment or the way of striving for excellence. I wish I could be a part of it all with him as his Asian companion!

I wish I could introduce my boyfriend to the culture and customs of the many Asian countries that I have had the pleasure of visiting. He would love to learn about the daily lives of locals in places like the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam - from the markets to the temples, to the friendly smiles in the streets. He would be amazed by the diversity and beauty of the different cultures. He would also be able to observe and appreciate the traditional values that each culture has to offer - like respect and hospitality. I want my boyfriend to be able to learn firsthand about the rich and vibrant cultures of Asia, to witness its spirituality, and feel its warmth.

I want my boyfriend to experience the beauty of the nightlife in some of the most populous cities in the world - from busy Beijing to vibrant Tokyo to the mega-metropolis of Singapore. He could hop from bar to club - dancing and mingling with locals, tasting exotic snacks and drinks along the way. He would be privileged to take in the vibrant colors that come with these cities at night - from sky-high neon signs to romantic lanterns across markets or rivers. He would also be able to have a truly unique experience while exploring some of the ancient cities of China – like Xi'an and Shanghai – and receive a much deeper appreciation for these cities in the near East.

I wish I could take my boyfriend to some of the ancient monuments scattered across Asia. From the beautiful Taj Mahal to the temples of Angkor Wat to the Great Wall of China and many more. He would be able to explore the ancient cities, filled with beautiful architecture and rich culture. We could visit the fine museums and art galleries and he could explore the quaint streets - filled with shops selling traditional goods. It would be amazing to wander around the iconic sites and visit the various temples and shrines while learning about the history of the place.

I would love to take my boyfriend to a traditional Asian market - where the scents, sounds and vibrancy would be something he would be mesmerized by. He would feel a traditional and cultural atmosphere while watching the bustling markets and being able to purchase some amazing local products like exotic fruits, herbal remedies or unique threads. He can learn about the stories and hidden meanings of the different products and crafts. I also want to show him the natural beauty of countries like India and China and the wonders of the great outdoors, from the jungles of Nepal to the rivers of South East Asia.

I want my boyfriend to be able to see the valuable and spiritual philosophies that lie within many of the Asian countries. From the very notion of being present in Buddhism in Tibet to the deeply religious Hinduism in India. He could also experience the holistic and traditional forms of medicine, like Ayurveda. Above all I wish he could understand and appreciate the incredible history and commitment to art that lies within this ancient continent.

I wish I could show my boyfriend the amazing hospitality of Asian people. I experienced it myself in a number of places - like India, Thailand, and Cambodia, and I always felt welcomed. I would love my boyfriend to experience the kindness and warmth of the locals, and the way they always gives you their time and openness. I want him to have a chance to recognize and appreciate such qualities in Asian people - the way they care for others and the way they always put the community before themselves.

I wish my boyfriend would witness the dedication of the pagodas that are found in so many Asian countries - like they have been unchanged for centuries. He would be able to appreciate the peacefulness of these places and gain spiritual insight in their philosophy and teachings. He could also be fascinated by China’s Forbidden City, explore the Ankgor Wat temple in Cambodia, or visit the Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali. I want him to appreciate the commitment and resilience of people in Asia, and their relentless passion for culture and history.

If my boyfriend was Asian, he would be able to experience firsthand the comfort of strong family ties found in Asian countries. He could understand the importance of togetherness in this culture - from the close family relationships to the dynamics between friends and colleagues. He would feel the warmth and support of people around him, and understand how the sense of community and group effort is part of the fabric of Asian society. He could also be interested in the philosophy of family-caring that underlies most actions of the people here - from respecting elders to helping out neighbors. I would love for my boyfriend to gain this appreciation and understanding of the traditional values of Asia.

I would love to take my boyfriend with me to explore the wonders of Asia. We could take part in ancient ceremonies - like festivals in India or rituals in Japan - and discover different customs in each place. We could explore the mountains and beaches, find secret spots and try unique activities, or simply relax on the terraces of the world's highest tea houses while enjoying beautiful views of the snow-covered Himalayas. I wish I could share my love for Asia with my boyfriend, to show him the beauty of this continent and all it has to offer.

I wish you were with me so I could show you all the wonders of Asian culture. I would take you to try different types of cuisine, visit historically significant and beautiful landmarks, and immerse you in the vibrant lifestyle that Asia has to offer.

I wish that you could experience the warmth and openness of the people here in Asia and become enthralled in their different pleasant customs and traditions. I know you would appreciate the beauty of every Asian culture.

I wish for your curiosity and love of new things to be indulged in Asia. From the delicious dishes to the awe-inspiring natural wonders, I know that you would enjoy every second of exploration and discovery.

I wish you could join me in touring some of the most historic and diverse cities in the world, from the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to the ancient temples of Angkor Wat. I’d love to show you the best of Asia and all it has to offer.

I want you to experience the beauty of Asian festivals, and bask in the colorful hues of lanterns and fireworks displays. I’m sure the endless fun and excitement will make your trip unforgettable.

I hope that someday, you’ll be able to experience the world-renowned hospitality and kindness of the Asian people. Through the meaningful conversations and the shared laughter, you’ll soon make many friends on your travels.

I want you to experience the spiritual side of beautiful Asia, with its serene ponds, majestic mountains and peaceful monasteries. I am sure you will appreciate the beauty of its nature and its inner meditation and tranquility.

I wish for you to share in the little joys of our travels through Asia, such as a cup of masala chai presented in an elegant copper pot, the scent of the spices lingering on the morning air, and the serenity of pondering in a Zen garden.

And of course, I wish for you to come and experience the rich complexity of Asia alongside me; the little moments of culture shock and reflective thinking that make travel so enriching.

There is so much to see and explore in Asia, so much beauty in every corner. I hope that one day, you and I can explore it together. That is my wish.