My Boyfriend Wishes He Was Bigger For Me

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger so that he could gather me in his arms during tough times and lend me a stronger emotional shoulder to lean on.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger to give me the strength to pursue my dreams, reminding me through his stature that anything in life is possible and that I can rise above any challenge.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger so that he could take on the world without worry, providing me with a sense of safety and protection in an often uncertain world.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger so that he could reach out to others in need, showing them through example the inner strength he carries within him for them and for me.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger to pass on to me his truer perspective on life, the joy and the pain - the valuable lessons that come with either, and he wishes he was big enough for me to understand.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger so he could bring me on the journeys his heart yearns for, the horizon ever before us, and the strength to take each day in stride, together.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger for every moment that passes, wishing me luck and health along the way, knowing it’s a difficult road ahead but one with happiness at the end.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger for the moments in life I’m scared, reminding me through his presence and courage that I can do anything, and that he’ll be there to see it all.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger to face the intimidating world of the unknown, taking things one step at a time with me always by his side and a smile on both of our faces.

My boyfriend wishes he was bigger to face the storms of life, be it physical, emotional, or mental, and to show me through his stance that we will always get through it together, stronger than ever.

I wish I was just a bit bigger so I could reach the cupboards in the kitchen and get down your favorite things for you.

I wish I was bigger so I could find that special spot on your back and massage you for just a little bit longer.

I wish I was bigger so I could open the biggest doors for you and walk through them, take us to places you've never been.

I wish I was bigger so I could be there for you when you need somebody strong to lean on.

I wish I was bigger so I could hug you just a little tighter and make everything feel alright.

I wish I was bigger so I could carry your burdens and help you out when you need me.

I wish I was bigger so I could listen to your stories and always be there to make sure that I can make you smile.

I wish I was bigger so I could always be the one you can count on whenever you need me.

I wish I was bigger so I could pick you up and bring you to places you've always wanted to go and do things you never thought you could do.

I wish I was bigger so I could protect you and be your knight in shining armor whenever you need me.

I wish I was bigger to be able to protect you from all the evil in the world.

I wish I was bigger so I could move mountains to make sure all of your dreams come true.

I wish I was bigger so I could carry you away to far-off places to explore the wonders of the world together.

I wish I was bigger so I could wrap my arms around you and shield you from the worries of the world.

I wish I was bigger so I could raise our family in a strong and safe home, forever.

I wish I was bigger so I could give you the world and everything in it.

I wish I was bigger so I could outshine all the stars in the night sky.

I wish I was bigger so I could climb the highest mountain and tell you that you are my universe.

I wish I could be bigger to prevent any pain that ever comes your way from ever touching you.

I wish I was bigger to track down all the bad guys in the world so in our day to day life, you will never have to worry about anything again.

May your heart be always big enough to encompass all your wonderful qualities and to create more that expand our love.

May you continue to love yourself and grow for all the beautiful things that make up the incredible person you are.

I wish that your aura was ever-expanding, making room for all the love that you have to share.

Your physical stature may be small, but your impact on my life has been nothing short of gigantic.

Your beauty is perfectly crafted and I hope that you recognize that for yourself.

My dearest wish may be for you to see just how big you have become and to appreciate the love you have bestowed on me.

I am blessed to have such a great man by my side, no matter the size.

You bring sunshine and smiles to every room you enter and I'm certain that your heart is even larger than you think.

I may wish you were bigger for myself, but I love you for who you are and I think you are just swell.

No matter how big or small you may be compared to others, I will forever love you just the same.