Boyfriend Wishes We Never Dated

I wish we had never met and our paths never crossed, so I could have saved myself from all this heartache and pain.

I wish I had never let you into my heart, for then I would not feel such pain and emptiness now that you are gone.

I wish I had never committed to you, so I wouldn't have had to deal with all this drama and heartbreak.

I wish we had never shared those special moments and all those feelings that I thought were real.

I regret ever allowing myself to fall in love with you, since it caused me to suffer so much grief and sorrow.

I wish I had never allowed myself to go through all the pain and suffering that come along with being in love with you.

I wish I could turn back time and erase us ever being together so I could have saved myself a lot of pain and disappointment.

I seriously regret ever being with you since you have caused me so much heartache and emotional turmoil.

I hope that I never make the same mistake of being with you again, since it only leads to heartache and anguish.

I wish I had never let our love grow, since now all I feel is sadness and regret for ever trusting someone so unloving and unfaithful.

I wish you all the best in finding someone who truly understands and appreciates you for all that you are.

I wish you a wonderful journey in discovering and fulfilling your dreams - whatever that may be - with an unwavering determination and an open heart.

I wish that each and every day is full of adventure and moments that surprise and delight you.

I hope that no matter how hard life becomes, you remember to take time to enjoy the simple things.

I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated for the special person that you are, even if it’s not by me.

I hope you are confident in your decisions, secure in your beliefs, and comfortable in the spotlight when the world stands in awe of your greatness.

I wish that you find the comfort and solace in friendship and unconditional support that you truly deserve.

May you be forever blessed with the luxury of joy, and contentment that comes from living a life filled with love and the beauty of life’s new beginnings.

I wish you the courage to stand up for yourself and those around you, and that you never forget the importance of fighting for the things that matter most to you.

I hope that you never feel lost or lonely, and instead find the passion and strength within to never give up on your hopes and dreams.