Boyfriend Wishes I Was Dead

I wish I was dead so I no longer had to feel this pain. I never understood why I put myself into this situation, but here I am --- stuck in a never-ending cycle of sorrow. All I want is the relieve the burden of being in this relationship, but I can't seem to make it stop. I wish I was dead so that I wouldn't have to feel this way anymore.

I wish I was dead so I could finally be free from my suffering. My heart aches with sadness every time I think about how I have been treated by my significant other. It's become unbearable and I can't keep putting up with it. I wish I didn't have to go through the pain and suffering of being in this relationship any longer - death seems to be the only way out.

I wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to put up with my partner's lies and deceit. I have been lied to time and time again, and I am so tired of it. I can't seem to ever trust them, no matter how much I want to. I don't want to feel this way and I wish I was dead so I could escape this situation.

I wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to deal with all of the pain and misery in my relationship. My heart is broken and I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm tired of being unhappy and feeling like I'm not wanted in this relationship. I wish I was dead so I didn't have to live like this anymore.

I wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to endure the heartache that comes with my relationship. It feels as though my partner constantly hurts my feelings and I don't know what to do about it. I'm so disappointed in the way things have turned out, and I wish I was dead so I didn't have to go through it.

I wish I was dead so I could escape from this toxic relationship. This isn't the kind of relationship I ever wanted to be in, and yet here I am. I can't take it anymore and I just want out. I can't stand being manipulated and lied to any longer, death seems to be the only way out.

I wish I was dead so I could avoid all the drama and arguments that come with being in this relationship. I'm tired of being hurt and having my heart broken. I guess death seems to be the only way out of all this misery.

I wish I was dead because then I would no longer be in this never-ending cycle of pain. It's been too much for me to bear and I just can't keep going. I can't handle being treated like this, and all I want is to be able to move on with my life. I wish death was the only way out of this mess.

I wish I was dead as it would get me out of this toxic relationship I'm in. It seems as though all I ever do is fight and argue with my partner, and I'm just so worn out. I'm tired of being manipulated and hurt, and I don't want to live like this any longer. I wish I was dead so I could get out of this relationship forever.

I wish I was dead because death seems to be the only way out of this misery. I'm exhausted by all the drama that comes with being in this relationship. I just can't bring myself to stay in it any longer, and I wish death was the only way to get my life back on track.

I wish I could just smile and be there for you every single day, but I feel like a heavy burden and a hollow shell, so I would rather just be dead than to cause any more pain.

I wish I could just look at your face and make all of your worries and pains go away, but instead I am a constant reminder of all the sadness and hurt, so I wish I could just be dead instead.

If I could just be gone forever, then I could spare you from my issues and flaws and instead give you the life that you deserve, so I wish I had the courage to just be dead.

I would never wish death on myself, but I yearn for it so much because all I want is to spare you from the sorrow and difficulty that I bring, so I wish I was just dead and gone.

It's unfair and selfish of me, but all I can think about is how much easier my death would make your life, so I constantly pray that I could just succumb to death.

Sometimes I hate myself so much for all of the baggage and misery that I bring to us, so I wish I could just make it all disappear by dying.

My biggest fear is that I'll never be truly happy because of all the darkness inside me, but I would rather just be dead than to put you through any more suffering.

I know you won't approve, but deep in my soul, I crave for death because I want you to be liberated from the weight of my burdens, so I truly wish I was dead.

While I love you and treasure every moment with you, I still feel like I'm hurting you more despite being alive, so I desperately wish I could be dead instead.

If I could just disappear from this world, all of us would be free from the nightmares that I bring to us, so I wish I was just dead and gone.